Dr. David A Fowle

- Chair, Department of Geology
- Dean's Professor
Contact Info
Ritchie Hall, room #254C
Slawson Hall, room #170 E
Biography —
Dr. Fowle joined the University of Kansas in 2006. He has an active research program that investigates the how microorganisms influence geochemical cycles with a particular emphasis on quantifying their effects in experimental systems. He currently serves as the Chair of the Geology Department.
Research —
Dr. Fowle's work investigates the links between microorganisms and geochemical processes in the field and the laboratory with applications to our understanding of the rock record, remediation, energy and mineral exploration.
Research interests:
- Mineral exploration, environment, geochemistry, lakes, geomicrobiology, early diagenesis,
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Biogeochemistry
- Aqueous Geochemistry
- Limnology
- Lakes
- Environment
- Mining
Selected Publications —
Bray, M., Wu, J., Reed, B., Kretz, C., Belli, K., Simister, R., Henny, C., Stewart, F., Dichristina, T., Brandes, J., Fowle, D., Crowe, S., Glass, J. (2017). Shifting microbial communities sustain multiyear iron reduction and methanogenesis in ferruginous sediment incubations. Geobiology - Issue 5 | Volume 15. https://doi.org/10.1111/GBI.12239.
Frei, R., Crowe, S., Bau, M., Polat, A., Fowle, D., Døssing, L. (2016). Oxidative elemental cycling under the low O2 Eoarchean atmosphere. Scientific Reports - Issue 1 | Volume 6. https://doi.org/10.1038/SREP21058.
Crowe, S., Paris, G., Katsev, S., Jones, C., Kim, S., Zerkle, A., Nomosatryo, S., Fowle, D., Adkins, J., Sessions, A., Farquhar, J., Canfield, D. (2014). Sulfate was a trace constituent of Archean seawater. Science - Issue 6210 | Volume 346. https://doi.org/10.1126/SCIENCE.1258966.
Crowe, S., Maresca, J., Jones, C., Sturm, A., Henny, C., Fowle, D., Cox, R., Delong, E., Canfield, D. (2014). Deep‐water anoxygenic photosythesis in a ferruginous chemocline. Geobiology - Issue 4 | Volume 12. https://doi.org/10.1111/GBI.12089.
Roberts, J., Kenward, P., Fowle, D., Goldstein, R., Gonzalez, L., Moore, D. (2013). Surface chemistry allows for abiotic precipitation of dolomite at low temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - Issue 36 | Volume 110. https://doi.org/10.1073/PNAS.1305403110.
Zegeye, A., Bonneville, S., Benning, L., Sturm, A., Fowle, D., Jones, C., Canfield, D., Ruby, C., Maclean, L., Nomosatryo, S., Crowe, S., Poulton, S. (2012). Green rust formation controls nutrient availability in a ferruginous water column. Geology - Issue 7 | Volume 40. https://doi.org/10.1130/G32959.1.
Kulczycki, E., Fowle, D., Graham, D., Roberts, J. (2011). Methanotroph-promoted weathering of Cu-substituted borosilicate glass. Geomicrobiology Journal - Volume 28.
Driese, S., Ludvigson, G., Roberts, J., Fowle, D., Gonzalez, L., Smith, J., Vulava, V., Mckay, L. (2010). Micromorphology and Stable-Isotope Geochemistry of Historical Pedogenic Siderite Formed in PAH-Contaminated Alluvial Clay Soils, Tennessee, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research - Issue 11 | Volume 80. https://doi.org/10.2110/jsr.2010.087.
Crowe, S., Jones, C., Katsev, S., Magen, C., O'Neill, A., Sturm, A., Canfield, D., Haffner, G., Mucci, A., Sundby, B., Fowle, D. (2008). Photoferrotrophs thrive in an Archean Ocean analogue. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - Issue 41 | Volume 105. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0805313105.
Awards & Honors —
Fellow. Kavli Foundation.
Young Scientist Award. Mineralogical Association of Canada.
Dean's Professor. CLAS, University of Kansas. Received: 8-01-2016.
Docking Faculty Scholar. University of Kansas. Received: 7-31-2016.