Ways to Support

Thank you for being part of the Ghawk family
We cannot achieve our highest goals alone, and your support makes a lasting impact on the lives and careers of the young scientists in our program. KU Geology has an incredibly loyal group of alumni and friends, and we are profoundly honored by your dedication and enthustastic involvement. There are many ways that our friends support the Geology program, from mentoring students and participating in classes to facilitating recruitment and making a donation. Learn more using the links to the side.
The rich student experiences and academic excellence that set KU Geology apart continue to be supported at every level by donor generosity. Your giving allows our dedicated faculty and talented graduate and undergraduate students to excel in the classroom, lab, and field. Every gift, in whatever amount, makes our program stronger and makes a true difference to our students.
There are several areas to choose from when making a gift to KU Geology. Learn more about each category using the links below.
The Geology Associates Alumni Board (GAAB) has agreed to make Field Camp fundraising our main priority this next year as we look forward to celebrating the Field Camp Centennial. Additionally several other areas of need within the KU Geology Department have also been identified, resulting in these fund raising goals:
Field Camp
Field Camp Facilities: The existing facility hosts students for six weeks in the summer. With your generous support the Department hopes to upgrade cabins water lines, and common areas for spring and fall operations. This will allow us to enhance the experience and broaden the impact of the camp beyond KU students. Needed upgrades also will create a self-sustaining Field Camp experience and reduce ongoing operational expenses.
Field Camp Student Scholarship and Faculty Support: An expendable gift of $5,000 will sponsor a student’s attendance at Field Camp. A gift of $10,000 will provide support for faculty who help deliver a world-class experience for KU students. An endowed fund provides consistent support every year while protecting its value across generations --- to benefit geology students now and in the future.
Field Camp Beyond Colorado: Geology has operated a camp in the Canon City, Colorado area since 1922. The camp starts most years with projects in the Capitol Reef area of central Utah for the first two weeks. Support for additional operations in Utah will keep KU Field Camp a first-rate undergraduate experience.
Graduate & Postdoctoral Fellowships
KU Geology seeks to establish named fellowships in order to attract high quality graduate and postdoctoral students. With the decreases in State support for Graduate Teaching Assistants, additional support is needed to aid in recruitment; to create a more representative, equitable, and inclusive KU; and to support students without research funding.
- Tony Walton Fellowship
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Fellowship
- Other named Fellowship
Visiting Scholar
KU Geology seeks to raise funding to bring a renowned researcher from academia or industry to the EEEC to interact with faculty and students for a period of 1 -2 semesters. This visiting scholar position will bring new ideas and expertise to our program as well as facilitate new research directions.
Unrestricted Research and Equipment Funds
KU researchers work at the cutting edge of science, education, business, engineering, and humanities to transform the way we experience and understand the world. Additional support is needed to support research and the specialized instrumentation that is often required for experimentation and data analysis.
You can give easily online using this donation form. In the "Special Instructions" box, simply write in either "GAAB Annual Giving Goals" or specify one of the goals if you wish to donate to a particular fund.
To learn more about giving to the GAAB Annual Giving Goals, contact:
Sheri Hamilton | Development Director
(785) 832-7454
Give online via KU Endowment's secure and simple website. KU Endowment is the non-profit fundraising organization that supports KU. For information about any of the Department funds, or about other ways to give, please visit the KU Endowment website.
These funds provide various kinds of financial support for students.
Online giving is secure, speedy and simple. You will be redirected to the website of KU Endowment, the non-profit fundraising organization that supports KU. For information on any of these funds, or on other ways to give, please visit the KU Endowment web site.
Merit and Need-Based Scholarships
Angino Ferry Geochemistry Scholarship — Provides scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students studying geochemistry in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Bradley Everett L. Memorial Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas.
Cramer Neal P. Geology Fund — Provides support for students and faculty in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Ferguson Alfred Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas who have graduated from an accredited Kansas High School.
FitzSimmons Clark D. Scholarship — Provides undergraduate and graduate scholarships for students in the Department of Geology in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Kansas.
Geology Scholarships Fund — Provides scholarships for deserving students pursuing a degree in Geology at the University of Kansas.
Henbest Fund — The income from the fund is used one half for the advancement of historical Geology and Paleontology by (a) Providing scholarships for graduate or undergraduate students; OR (b) Providing lectures or symposia by distinguished geologists or paleontologists; OR (d) Providing funds for field studies in student research; OR (e) Providing similar benefits for students when or if the above become no longer needed or appropriate.
Herndon Imogene A. Scholarship — Provides scholarships for deserving students in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas. The scholarships may be renewable; given to graduate or undergraduate students; and based on need or achievement, all at the discretion of the scholarship committee.
Holden Frederick T. Scholarship — Provides scholarships for deserving students pursuing a degree in Geology or Geophysics at the University of Kansas. The scholarships are awarded to students at any grade level who exhibit exceptional merit and/or financial need.
Holland Bill D. and Carolyn A. Scholarship — Provides undergraduate scholarships for deserving students in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas who seek a career in the oil and gas industry. Preference is given to students from the state of Kansas.
Ireland H.A. and Elsie Scholarship — Provides scholarships for deserving students pursuing a degree in Geology at the University of Kansas.
Kaesler Roger Memorial Student Support Fund — Provides support for graduate students working in research related to invertebrate paleontology in the form of graduate research assistant support, tuition and fees, scholarship support, awards, fellowship support, or field support.
Lamb Jr. Ralph C. Scholarship — Provides support in the form of scholarships, fellowships, research awards, field study travel awards, or other similar types of support for deserving students maintaining a 3.3 GPA in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Lehman Roy and Freda Scholarship — Provides scholarships to support students dedicated to the development and use of a geological career.
McGee D. A. Scholarship — Provides scholarships for deserving students pursuing a degree in Geology at the University of Kansas.
Moore Raymond C. and Lilian B. Scholarship — Provides financial aid and scholarships for deserving students pursuing a degree in Geology at the University of Kansas.
Patterson Jospeh Minton Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas. The awards may be based on academic merit, demonstrated need, or both merit and need.
Peoples James A. and Rowena E. Scholarship in Geophysics — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geophysics at the University of Kansas.
Pratt Wallace E. Geology Graduate Student Support Fund — Provides direct financial support for graduate students in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Saueracker Paul and Nancy Student Support Fund — Provides support for deserving students in the Geology Department at the University of Kansas.
Selig August Fund — Used for furthering student research projects in micropaleontology. Additionally, when available, income may be used in support of deserving graduate students in geology to help defray expenses incurred by field work.
Stelbar Oil Geology Graduate Student Support — Provides support for graduate students in the Geology Department of the University of Kansas through scholarships, fellowships, or research assistantships.
Waggoner Alec Memorial Scholarship — Provides undergraduate scholarships for students who exhibit financial need (based on University of Kansas criteria) in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas. Preference shall be given to a Kansas resident.
Walters Ray P. Scholarship — Provides scholarships for deserving students pursuing a degree in Geology at the University of Kansas.
Merit-Based Awards
Gerhard Lee C. and Darcy Student Prize for Field Research in Geology — Provides a prize to the outstanding Geology student in the following priority order: who publishes a technical paper based on field research; or to the outstanding student who presents a paper based on field research at a recognized professional meeting, with a published abstract; or who assists a professional research scientist in the field, resulting in credit in a published paper; or if none qualify under the above guidelines, or in special circumstances or an especially deserving student, to the outstanding student participating in field research in the Geology Department of the University of Kansas. The annual prize is a minimum of $500. Any spendable balance remaining after making the annual prize is reinvested into the fund's principal balance.
Haworth Erasmus Honor Award Fund — Used to purchase books to accompany the Geology Department's Haworth Honor Awards for Senior and Graduate students.
Jackson II Roscoe G. Graduate Research in Geology Award — Supports the MS or PhD research of graduate students in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas. In particular, awards may be made to support research activities such as field work, analytical work, and research-related travel; to provide research assistantships or scholarships; or to provide other types of support as appropriate.
Merriam Graduate Student Research Award — This award is given annually to an outstanding Geology graduate student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Kansas in support of their thesis or dissertation research. The award can be used for any purpose of the research, but support of field work is to be given priority. The award is made on the basis of a proposal submitted to the Geology faculty outlining the research and how the money is to be spent.
Leo M. and Robert M. Orth Water Resources Award — Provides an annual award to a research project by a faculty member or student of the University of Kansas pursuing the geological, hydro-geological, or geophysical investigation of groundwater in, or of water resources impacting, the state of Kansas. The annual award may also be used to assist a Kansas native pursuing a degree related to the application of geophysics or geology to groundwater studies.
Field Work Support
Beu Geology Field Camp Scholarship — Supports undergraduate students in field camp course(s) required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Geology in the Geology Department of the University of Kansas. The amounts of the scholarship and the recipients are determined by a committee approved by the Chancellor in consultation with the chair of the Department of Geology.
Dellwig Louis F. and Bets Geology Field Camp Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas to help offset expenses of participating in field camp.
Haas Merrill Fund — The income, but not the principal, of this fund is used to support field camp studies by the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas as a means of providing a laboratory experience for students majoring in geology.
Harrison Robert R. Field Camp Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas to help offset expenses of participating in field camp.
Laudon Lowell R. and Florence S. Fund — Supports undergraduate and graduate geology field work, specifically to encourage student-faculty trips within the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas. While the proceeds of this award shall be used primarily to support field work and student field trips, the fund also recognizes that the Department of Geology occasionally has urgent needs outside the area of field geology. Thus this fund is designated unrestricted so that these crisis needs may be met from time to time. The use of the Fund is be determined by the Chair of the Department of Geology with the approval of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The following funds support field camps, field courses, and field research projects for our students.
Online giving is secure, speedy and simple. You will be redirected to the website of KU Endowment, the non-profit fundraising organization that supports KU. For information on any of these funds, or on other ways to give, please visit the KU Endowment web site.
Beu Geology Field Camp Scholarship — Supports undergraduate students in field camp course(s) required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Geology in the Geology Department of the University of Kansas. The amounts of the scholarship and the recipients are determined by a committee approved by the Chancellor in consultation with the chair of the Department of Geology.
Dellwig Louis F. and Bets Geology Field Camp Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas to help offset expenses of participating in field camp.
Elliott Robert and Mary Field Course Support Fund — Provides unrestricted support of the Field Courses program with the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
FitzSimmons Geology Field Experience Fund — Supports field experience for Geology students at the University of Kansas.
Haas Merrill Fund — The income, but not the principal, of this fund is used to support field camp studies by the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas as a means of providing a laboratory experience for students majoring in geology.
Harrison Robert P. Field Camp Scholarship — Provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in geology at the University of Kansas to help offset expenses of participating in field camp.
Laudon Lowell R. and Florence S. Fund — Supports undergraduate and graduate geology field work, specifically to encourage student-faculty trips within the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas. While the proceeds of this award shall be used primarily to support field work and student field trips, the fund also recognizes that the Department of Geology occasionally has urgent needs outside the area of field geology. Thus this fund is designated unrestricted so that these crisis needs may be met from time to time. The use of the Fund is be determined by the Chair of the Department of Geology with the approval of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
These funds support faculty talent development and research in our Department.
Online giving is secure, speedy and simple. You will be redirected to the website of KU Endowment, the non-profit fundraising organization that supports KU. For information on any of these funds, or on other ways to give, please visit the KU Endowment web site.
Adams William L. Geology Fund — Provides support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Collinson Opportunity — Provides unrestricted support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Cramer Neal P. Geology Fund — Provides support for students and faculty in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Geology Associates Expendable — Provides unrestricted support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Haworth Erasmus Memorial Fund — Provides support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Hay L. C. Fund in Geology — Income to be used by the Department of Geology for areas of need for which State and other funds are not available.
Krueger Max L. and Aliene W. Fund — Of the income of the fund, $500 is transferred annually to the Jayhawk Victory Club Fund for athletic scholarships. The remaining income is used for the benefit of the Department of Geology.
McCollum Burton Fund — Dedicated to the support and promotion of instruction and research in the general field of Physical Science.
Moore Raymond C. and Lilian B. Fund in Geology — Provides support for the development of the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Orthleo M. and Robert M. Water Resources Award — Provides an annual award to a research project by a faculty member or student of the University of Kansas pursuing the geological, hydro-geological, or geophysical investigation of groundwater in, or of water resources impacting, the state of Kansas. The annual award may also be used to assist a Kansas native pursuing a degree related to the application of geophysics or geology to groundwater studies.
Pratt Fund in Geophysics — Income to be used for the study of geophyscis at the University of Kansas as determined by the Chairperson of the Department of Geology.
Ritchie A. Scott and Carol Hydrogeology Fund — Provides unrestricted support for education and research in hydrogeology within the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
These funds support program development and innovation in our Department.
Online giving is secure, speedy and simple. You will be redirected to the website of KU Endowment, the non-profit fundraising organization that supports KU. For information on any of these funds, or on other ways to give, please visit the KU Endowment web site.
Adams William L. Geology Fund — Provides support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Collinson Opportunity — Provides unrestricted support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Geology Associates Expendable — Provides unrestricted support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Haas Merrill Geology Fund — The income from this fund is used to support field camp studies by the Department of Geology as a means of providing a laboratory experience for students majoring in geology.
Haworth Erasmus Distinguished Lectureship — Provides support for lectures in the Earth sciences at the University of Kansas.
Haworth Erasmus Memorial Fund — Provides support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Hedberg Hollis Dole Memorial Lecture — Supports lectures by outstanding individuals addressing topics of interest to Geology faculty, staff, university communities, and the public.
Klein George Devries Colloquium Lectureship in Clastic Sedimentology — This fund shall be used to support a colloquium lectureship to feature speakers on the topic of clastic seimentary geology in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Krueger Max L. and Aliene W. Fund — Of the income of the fund, $500 is transferred annually to the Jayhawk Victory Club Fund for athletic scholarships. The remaining income is used for the benefit of the Department of Geology.
McCollum Burton Fund — Dedicated to the support and promotion of instruction and research in the general field of Physical Science.
Moore Raymond C. and Lilian B. Fund in Geology — Provides support for the development of the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Pratt Fund in Geophysics — Income to be used for the study of geophyscis at the University of Kansas as determined by the Chairperson of the Department of Geology.
Ritchie A. Scott and Carol Hydrogeology Fund — Provides unrestricted support for education and research in hydrogeology within the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
This fund supports projects that improve our workspace and our research and teaching equipment.
Online giving is secure, speedy and simple. You will be redirected to the website of KU Endowment, the non-profit fundraising organization that supports KU. For information on any of these funds, or on other ways to give, please visit the KU Endowment web site.
Adams William L. Geology Fund — Provides support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Collinson Opportunity — Provides unrestricted support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Geology Associates Expendable — Provides unrestricted support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Haworth Erasmus Memorial Fund — Provides support to the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Holland Bill D. and Carolyn A. Fund — Provides support for the purchase of equipment in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Krueger Max L. and Aliene W. Fund — Of the income of the fund, $500 is transferred annually to the Jayhawk Victory Club Fund for athletic scholarships. The remaining income is used for the benefit of the Department of Geology.
Moore Raymond C. and Lilian B. Fund in Geology — Provides support for the development of the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Starr John W. Teaching Equipment Fund in Geology — Provides support for the purchase of teaching and research equipment for use by graduate students and faculty in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Walton Anthony Geology Equipment Fund — Provides support for the purchase of teaching and research equipment for use by graduate students and faculty in the Department of Geology at the University of Kansas.
Zeller Edward J. Geology Fund — Provides support for the purchase of major equipment items, primarily for research purposes. The fund is not used to purchase equipment in lieu of state funds or equipment used primarily for undergraduate classroom teaching.