Joshua Colasante

Josh Colasante
  • MS Student

Contact Info

Parker Hall, Room 204
1930 Constant Ave
Lawrence, KS 66047


Joshua is an honors graduate of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he received numerous academic awards including the Diversified Gas & Oil Scholarship Award, Dean's Scholarship for Innovation in Geoscience, and the winner of the Outstanding Geoscience Day Research Presentation Award. He is being advised by Dr. Stephen Hasiotis.



B.S. in Geology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2023


Colasante's research interests focus on terrestrial system development and evolution throughout the Phanerozoic, specifically late Paleozoic flora and pedogenesis. Current work involves summarizing and comparing root morphologies in deep time, and the characterization of Devonian rooting patterns in the Catskill formation of central Pennsylvania. 

Research Interests:

  • Paleobotany
  • Paleopedology
  • Paleontology
  • Paleoecology
  • Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
  • Stratigraphy
  • Sedimentation
  • Basin Evolution
  • Deep Time



Selected Publications

Colasante, J.M., and Warnock, J.P., 2023. Deep Time in an Epeiric Sea: A Sequence Stratigraphic Approach to the Silurian-Devonian Keyser Formation of Pennsylvania (Appalachian Basin, USA): Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (GSA Connects 2023). Pittsburgh, USA.