Leonard Krishtalka

- Professor
- Director, Biodiversity Institute
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Krishtalka's interests include science policy and administration, biodiversity informatics, and the paleobiology of mammals.
Research —
Dr. Leonard Krishtalka's interests include science policy and administration, biodiversity informatics, and the paleobiology of mammals.
Research interests:
- science research, policy and planning
- natural history museum/biodiversity research/education leadership and management
- global biodiversity science, genomic biodiversity and informatics
- evolutionary biology of mammals
- evolutionary patterns, processes and theory
- history of science
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Diversity of Life
- Biodiversity data and informatics
- science policy and planning
- grant proposals
Selected Publications —
Krishtalka, L. (2016). Accelerating the discovery of biocollections data [Reports]. Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat. http://www.gbif.org/resource/83022Robbins, R. J., Krishtalka, L., & Wooley, J. (2016). Advances in Biodiversity: Metagenomics and the Unveiling of Biological Dark Matter [Journal Articles]. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 11(69). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40793-016-0180-8Schindel, D., Krishtalka, L., & Edwards, J. (2016). Comment: Biologists ask NSF to reconsider plan to pause collections funding program. [Journal Articles]. ScienceInsider. Published. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/03/biologists-ask-nsf-reconsider-pl…, L. (2016). Candidates Don’t Really Love America [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence Journal World. http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2016/jan/25/your-turn-candidates-dont-real…, A. T., Soberon, J., & Krishtalka, L. (2015). A global perspective on decadal challenges and priorities in biodiversity informatics [Journal Articles]. Bio Med Central Ecology, 15(15). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6785/15/15Peterson, A. T., Soberon, J., & Krishtalka, L. (2015). A global perspective on decadal challenges and priorities in biodiversity informatics. [Journal Articles]. BMC Ecology. Published. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12898-015-0046-8Krishtalka, L. (2015). Congress needs to overlook the aisle [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Thinking is just too painful [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Local Cyclist Remembered Fondly [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Losing touch with science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Threats won’t help save bird [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Walls, R., & Krishtalka, L., 14th author alphabetically. (2014). Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies [Journal Articles]. PLOS One. Published. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0089…, L. (2013). Nature loves a female breadwinner [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2013). What kind of pope should we hope for [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Hobern, D., & Krishtalka, L. (2013). Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook: Delivering Biodiversity Knowledge In the Information Age [Conference Proceedings]. In Proceedings of a Conference, Global Biodiversity Information Conference, GBIF, Copenhagen.Krishtalka, L. (2012). The world is still with us [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Imprison politicians for failing to heed science? [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Robbins, R. J., Amaral-Zettler, L., Bik, H., Blum, S., Edwards, J., Field, D., Garrity, G., Gilbert, J. A., Kottmann, R., Krishtalka, L., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C., Morrison, N., Tuama, E. ├ô, Parr, C., San Gil, I., Schindel, D., Schriml, L., Vieglas, D., & Wooley, J. (2012). RCN4GSC Workshop Report: Managing Data at the Interface of Biodiversity and (Meta)Genomics, March 2011. [Journal Articles]. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 7(1), 159–165. https://doi.org/10.4056/sigs.3156511Robbins, R. J., Cochrane, G., Davies, N., Dawyndt, P., Kottmann, R., Krishtalka, L. K., Morrison, N., Tuama, E. ├ô, San Gil, I., & Wooley, J. (2012). RCN4GSC Workshop Report: Modeling a Testbed for Managing Data at the Interface of Biodiversity and (Meta)Genomics, April 2011. [Journal Articles]. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 7(1), 153–158. https://doi.org/10.4056/sigs.3146509Krishtalka, L. (2012). Science should be part of presidential debate [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L., & Robbins, R. (2012). Biological dark matter and Quantum Biology [Conference Proceedings]. In Gordon Research Conference.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Proposed Legislation uses religion to cancel out science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Life is Code [Other]. In Cryptograph: An Exhibition for Alan Turing. Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Cryptograph: An Exhibition for Alan Turing [Other]. w/Spencer Museum of Art, KU. http://www.spencerart.ku.edu/exhibitions/39-trails.shtmlKrishtalka, L. (2012). Knowledge punched by pundits in 2011 [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2011). Sciene takes a beating in early presidential campaign [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2010). Science, not promiscuity, explains quakes [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 8A).King, N., Krishtalka, L., & Chivan, V. (2010). Thoughts on implementation of the recommendeds of the GBIF task force on a global strategy and action plan for mobilization of natural history collections data [Journal Articles]. Biodiversity Informatics, 7, 72–76.Rogers, F., & Krishtalka, L. (2010). Trans-Boundary Conservation Areas, Biodiversity Conservation and Peace Parks [Conference Proceedings]. In 9th Annual GBIF Science Symposium 2010.Krishtalka, L. (2009). Faith, Science, still Sparring [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 8A).Krishtalka, L. (2009). Among Trees [Other]. In Trees and Other Ramifications: Branches in Nature and Culture (pp. 16–17). Blurb Publications.Krishtalka, L. (2009). Letter to Linnaeus [Book Chapters]. In S. Knapp & Q. Wheeler (Eds.), Letters to Linnaeus (pp. 31–34). Linnaean Society of London.Krishtalka, L. (2009). Natural History Museums as Sentinel Observatories of Life on Earth: A Public Trust [Book Chapters]. In Beyond the Turnstile: Making the Case for Museums and Sustainable Values. Altamira Press.Lane, R., & L Krishtalka. (2008). Taxonomy in Europe in the 21st century (pp. 1–7) [Reports].Krishtalka, L. (2007). Six Wonders are enough [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2007). No good environment news [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2006). Faith persists in face of reason [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2006). Names defy global change [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Banks, W., & Krishtalka, L. (2006). Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling: New Tools for Reconstructing the Geography and Ecology of Past Human Populations [Journal Articles]. PaleoAnthropology, 68–83.Krishtalka, L. (2005). Bridging the gulf of faith, reason [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). KU’s Comanche a symbol of historic shift [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 6B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Set personal beliefs aside [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Books blamed for human evils [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 6B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Rural Kansas losing its grip [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Expand the “culture of life” [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Evolution and conservatism [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Tsunami’s how and why [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Assembling the Tree of Life: Today and in the Future [Abstracts]. Critical Connections of Museums and Herbaria. Published.Krishtalka, L. (2005). Let’s get real in 2005 [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Management and Leadership of Multi-Institutional and Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations [Abstracts]. Published.Krishtalka, L. (2004). Textbook sticker shock [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Is Intelligent Design intelligent? [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Environmental family values [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Debating “natural law” [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Alternatives to science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Causey, D., Janzen, D., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Krishtalka, L., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2004). Museum Collections and Taxonomy [Journal Articles]. Science, 305, 1106–1107.Allen, M. F., & Krishtalka, L. (2004). Report on AIBS/IBRCS Workshop on Biodiversity, Species Composition and Ecosystem Functioning [Reports]. National Science Foundation.Krishtalka, L. (2003). Hair didn’t aid museum director’s appeal to Legislature [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Year’s end inspires reflection, predictions [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). KU message must be simple, personal, local [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Preaching to the top species [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Prejudices color science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). At Natural History Museums, The Ox is Gored [Journal Articles]. Museum News, 37, 64–65.Krishtalka, L. (2003). Discoveries remain on our own planet [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Five Big Ideas for Kansas [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Museum loss not yet clear [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Holding Knowledge Hostage Stifles our Progress [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). It’s Respect for Knowledge [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Cloning Spawns Silliness [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Unofficial museums abound [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Connect environmental dots [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). State faces education issues [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). The economics of nature [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., & Harris, F. (2002). Long Term Ecological Research Program: Twenty-Year Review (p. 39) [Reports]. NSF.Krishtalka, L. (2002). Chapter 30, Information technology and the ten grand research challenges for the 21st Century [Book Chapters]. In A. H. Teich, S. D. Nelson, & S. Lita (Eds.), AAAS Science and Technology Policy Yearbook 2002 (pp. 319–338). American Association for the Advancement of Science. http://www.aaas.org/spp/yearbook/2002/ch30.pdfKrishtalka, L. (2002). Cloning: Getting what we asked for [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In The Sun Newspapers (p. 6A).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Resolutions with a touch of fantasy [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2002). The Green Internet: A Tool for Conservation Science [Book Chapters]. In J. Levitt (Ed.), Conservation in the Internet Age: Strategic Threats and Opportunities (pp. 143–164). Island Press.Krishtalka, L. (2001). Science not villain in debate [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., Vieglais, D., Peterson, T., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2001). A Research Network for Biodiversity Science [Abstracts]. AAAS, 2001 Annual Meetings, A 52.Krishtalka, L. (2001). Answering the Aliens: Museum Biodiversity Education [Journal Articles]. Curator, 43(2), 103–110.Krishtalka, L. (2001). Don’t let creationists corrupt science standards [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (p. B-1, 4).Donoghue, M., Gilbert, S., Irish, V., Kaufmann, T., Kocker, T., Krishtalka, L., Lane, M., Levine, M., McGinnis, W., Puruggana, M., Sinha, N., & Wray, G. (2001). Evolution of development and Tree of Life [Reports]. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2001/bio012/Krishtalka, L. (2000). Let’s learn more about life [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2000). Three Cheers, three boos for science education [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 9B).Krishtalka, L., & Humphrey, P. S. (2000). Can natural history museums capture the future? [Journal Articles]. BioScience, 50(7), 611–617.Krishtalka, L. (2000). Let’s Quit Bashing Knowledge [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2000). Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information [Book Chapters]. In Access to Publicly Funded Research (pp. 188–194).Krishtalka, L. (2000). Predicting the Brave New World [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 9B).Krishtalka, L., Levitt, J., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Wiley, E., & Beach, J. (2000). The impact of the Internet on Biodiversity: Good or Evil [Abstracts]. 17th International CODATA Conference, 82.Krishtalka, L. (1999). Yokel’s approach to science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1999). Evolution theory explains fact [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1999). Mixing science and politics [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1999). Evolution theory explains fact [Journal Articles]. Kansas Biology Teacher, 8(1), 5–6.Krishtalka, L. (1998). Earth not an endless Eden [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1998). Undiscovered life on Earth [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1998). So much hot air: Global warming rhetoric obscures the facts [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., & Humphrey, P. S. (1998). Fiddling while the Planet Burns: The Challenge for U.S. Natural History Museums [Journal Articles]. Museum News, 77(2), 29–35.Vieglais, D. A., Stockwell, D. R. B., Cundari, C. M., Beach, J., Peterson, A. T., & Krishtalka, L. (1998). The species analyst: Tools enabling a comprehensive distributed biodiversity network [Conference Proceedings]. In Biotechnology & Biobusiness, </i>2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology, 23-27 November, Perth, Western Australia.Krishtalka, L. (1997). Should science be sold to the highest bidder? [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 11B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Turkey in a pear tree [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Cloning: From Eve to Dolly [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Choosing myth over fact [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Believers die for hokum [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Investigating evolution [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1996). In Love with Every Ort [Book Reviews In Love with Every Ort]. Carnegie Magazine, 63(4), 12, 15.Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R., & Redline, A. (1990). Geology, vertebrate fauna, and paleoecology of the Buck Spring Quarries (early Eocene, Wind River Formation), Wyoming [Book Chapters]. In T. M. Bown & K. D. Rose (Eds.), Dawn of the Age of Mammals in the Northern Part of the Rocky Mountain Interior, North America (pp. 169–186).Krishtalka, L. (1989). Dinosaur Plots & Other Intrigues in Natural History [Books]. William Morrow & Co.Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., & Dawson, M. R. (1989). Paleontology, geology and remote sensing of Paleogene rocks in the northeastern Wind River Basin, Wyoming, USA [Book Chapters]. In Mesozoic/Cenozoic Vertebrate Paleontology: Classic Localities, Contemporary Approaches (pp. 34–44). American Geophysical Union.Krishtalka, L., Li, C., Wilson, R. W., & Dawson, M. R. (1987). The origin of rodents and lagomorphs [Book Chapters]. In Current Mammalogy (Vol. 1, pp. 97–108). Plenum Press.Krishtalka, L., Dawson, M. R., Stucky, R., & Black, C. C. (1986). Machaeroides simpsoni, new species, oldest known sabertooth creodont (Mammalia) of the Lost Cabin Eocene [Book Chapters]. In K. M. Flanagan & J. A. Lillegraven (Eds.), Vertebrates, Phylogeny and Philosophy: G. G. Simpson Memorial Volume (pp. 177–182).
Selected Presentations —
Krishtalka, L. (1/20/2016). Forget Everything you ever Learned in Biology. Science on Tap. Lawrence, KSKrishtalka, L. (11/27/2015). Discovering the Life of the Planet: Biodiversity Challenges and Solutions. Webinar: Global Biodiversity Training Project, JRS Biodiversity FoundationKrishtalka, L. (9/1/2015 - 9/2/2015). Advancing the use of bio-collections in education, research and service. Biodiversity Collections Network. Field Museum, Chicago, IllinoisKrishtalka, L., & Robbins, R. (5/5/2015). Quantum Biology and Biological Dark Matter. Genomic Standards Consortium, Joint Genomic Institute. Walnut Creek, CAKrishtalka, L. (4/8/2015). Microbial Life as Biological Dark Matter. Schreiner UniversityKrishtalka, L. (4/7/2015). Tackling the Life of the Planet: Biodiversity Challenges. Schreiner University. Kerville, TXKrishtalka, L. (1/14/2015). The Global Biodiversity Information Facility: Tackling global challenges with biodiversity data. Canadian Museum of Nature. Ottawa, Canada
Exhibitions —
Cryptograph: An Exhibition for Alan Turing. Spencer Museum of Art, KU. 201239 Trails Research in the Peruvian Amazon. w/Spencer Museum of Art, KUBenedum Hall of Geology. Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems, Carnegie MuseumExplore Evolution Exhibit. (Consortium of 6 museums including KU NHM)Life Science Master Exhibit Plan. Carnegie MuseumLife Through Time. Exhibit Hall, Denver MuseumTrees & Other Ramifications. w/Spencer Museum of Art
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Advancing Research in Biodiversity Science. NSF ARI-R2 Repair and Renovation. $1512426.00. (1/1/2010 - 12/31/2013). Federal. Status: FundedGaps in Institutional Capacities in Relation to Biodiversity Priorities in Africa. JRS Foundation. $9900.00. (12/31/2012). Foundation. Status: Funded. substitute PI for J. SoberonEPSCoR RII Track 2ΓÇöA CyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting. NSF Collaborative Proposal. $6000000.00. (12/31/2009). Federal. Status: Funded. 3 yearsC-Change: Climate Change, Humans and Nature in the Global Environment. NSF: IGERT. $3200000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: Funded. 5 yearsForecasting the Spread of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases. US Centers for Disease Control. $1120000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: FundedExpansions of the collections of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center. NSF. $498821.00. (12/31/2007). Federal. Status: Funded. 1.5 years, with 4 co-PIsAn Ecoforecasting Center for the Great Plains. NSF. $6837783.00. (12/31/2006). Federal. Status: Funded. 3 years, with 5 co-PIsAcquisition of an ABI 3100 Sequencer. Kansas NSF EPSCoR. $105645.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. 6 monthsBiodiversity Informatics Research and Bioterrorism. US Department of Defense. $2000000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: FundedNEONΓÇöPlanning the National Ecological Observatory Network. NSF. $6000000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. PI with 6 co-PIsEcological Niche Modeling: A new approach to analyzing the hominid record. NSF. $34808.00. (12/31/2003). Federal. Status: Funded. one yearA Biodiversity Information Technology Facility. US Department of Education. $1275000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: FundedBiodiversity Informatics. Occidental Petroleum Corporation. $250000.00. (12/31/2001). Private. Status: FundedKnowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF. $81819.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded. SupplementInitiative for Minority Student Development. NIH Education Grant. $2000000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded. With co-investigators, 4 years.Interactive Learning Modules. Frueauff Foundation. $30000.00. (12/31/2000). Foundation. Status: FundedNational Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract for Earth Systems ScienceKnowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF. $200000.00. (12/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded. SupplementNational Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract for Earth Systems ScienceAn Experimental Information Retrieval Protocol Test Bed for Biological Collection and Taxonomic Data. NSF: Z39.50. $99430.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. 1 year, [1 of 7 co-PIs]Deploying a Community Software Application for Biocollections Information. NSF: OZ. $420000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. 1.5 yearsHigh-Performance Network Connection in Support of Meritorious Research at University of Kansas. NSF. $350000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. 2 Years, (co-PI with J. Niebaum and 3 others)Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF. $2000000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. Three years, [one of 5 co-PIs]National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI). NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract for Earth Systems ScienceSupplement to 'Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information'. NSF. $15153.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. to complete the report of the Working Group on Biological Informatics of the OECD Megascience ForumNational Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded. 1 year, Earth Systems ScienceOZ: A National Biodiversity Informatics Capability. University of Kansas Research Development Fund. $29500.00. (12/31/1997). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded. 1 yearRecovery, Preparation and Exhibit of the Wyoming Dinosaur Discovery. State of Kansas, Tourism Attraction Program. $55000.00. (12/31/1997). State of Kansas. Status: Funded. 1.5 yearsSupplement to 'Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information'. NSF. $13633.00. (12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded. to plan the knowledge networking of biodiversity informationAcquisition of Computer Systems for Creating Analytical Interfaces to Diverse Environmental Data. Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation. $150000.00. (12/31/1996). State of Kansas. Status: Funded. 1 yearAcquisition of Computer Systems for Creating Analytical Interfaces to Diverse Environmental Data. NSF/ARI. $362003.00. (12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. 3 yearsCollaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information. NSF. $70000.00. (12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. 1 yearFirst Annual PEET Workshop on Information Acquisition and Dissemination. NSF. $57224.00. (12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. supplement to KU/J. Ashe PEET awardCooperative Agreement for Military Lands in the Kansas City District. NWK-14-0001. US Army Core of Engineers. Submitted 1/15/2014 (1/15/2015). Federal. Status: Funded