Leonard Krishtalka

Leonard Krishtalka
  • Professor
  • Director, Biodiversity Institute

Contact Info

Office Phone:
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Lab Phone:
Dyche Hall


Dr. Krishtalka's interests include science policy and administration, biodiversity informatics, and the paleobiology of mammals.


Dr. Leonard Krishtalka's interests include science policy and administration, biodiversity informatics, and the paleobiology of mammals.

Research interests:

  • science research, policy and planning
  • natural history museum/biodiversity research/education leadership and management
  • global biodiversity science, genomic biodiversity and informatics
  • evolutionary biology of mammals
  • evolutionary patterns, processes and theory
  • history of science


Teaching interests:

  • Diversity of Life
  • Biodiversity data and informatics
  • science policy and planning
  • grant proposals

Selected Publications

Krishtalka, L. (2016). Accelerating the discovery of biocollections data [Reports]. Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat. http://www.gbif.org/resource/83022Robbins, R. J., Krishtalka, L., & Wooley, J. (2016). Advances in Biodiversity: Metagenomics and the Unveiling of Biological Dark Matter [Journal Articles]. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 11(69). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40793-016-0180-8Schindel, D., Krishtalka, L., & Edwards, J. (2016). Comment: Biologists ask NSF to reconsider plan to pause collections funding program. [Journal Articles]. ScienceInsider. Published. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/03/biologists-ask-nsf-reconsider-pl…, L. (2016). Candidates Don’t Really Love America [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence Journal World. http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2016/jan/25/your-turn-candidates-dont-real…, A. T., Soberon, J., & Krishtalka, L. (2015). A global perspective on decadal challenges and priorities in biodiversity informatics [Journal Articles]. Bio Med Central Ecology, 15(15). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6785/15/15Peterson, A. T., Soberon, J., & Krishtalka, L. (2015). A global perspective on decadal challenges and priorities in biodiversity informatics. [Journal Articles]. BMC Ecology. Published. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12898-015-0046-8Krishtalka, L. (2015). Congress needs to overlook the aisle [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Thinking is just too painful [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Local Cyclist Remembered Fondly [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Losing touch with science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2014). Threats won’t help save bird [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Walls, R., & Krishtalka, L., 14th author alphabetically. (2014). Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies [Journal Articles]. PLOS One. Published. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0089…, L. (2013). Nature loves a female breadwinner [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2013). What kind of pope should we hope for [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Hobern, D., & Krishtalka, L. (2013). Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook: Delivering Biodiversity Knowledge In the Information Age [Conference Proceedings]. In Proceedings of a Conference, Global Biodiversity Information Conference, GBIF, Copenhagen.Krishtalka, L. (2012). The world is still with us [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Imprison politicians for failing to heed science? [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Robbins, R. J., Amaral-Zettler, L., Bik, H., Blum, S., Edwards, J., Field, D., Garrity, G., Gilbert, J. A., Kottmann, R., Krishtalka, L., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C., Morrison, N., Tuama, E. ├ô, Parr, C., San Gil, I., Schindel, D., Schriml, L., Vieglas, D., & Wooley, J. (2012). RCN4GSC Workshop Report: Managing Data at the Interface of Biodiversity and (Meta)Genomics, March 2011. [Journal Articles]. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 7(1), 159–165. https://doi.org/10.4056/sigs.3156511Robbins, R. J., Cochrane, G., Davies, N., Dawyndt, P., Kottmann, R., Krishtalka, L. K., Morrison, N., Tuama, E. ├ô, San Gil, I., & Wooley, J. (2012). RCN4GSC Workshop Report: Modeling a Testbed for Managing Data at the Interface of Biodiversity and (Meta)Genomics, April 2011. [Journal Articles]. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 7(1), 153–158. https://doi.org/10.4056/sigs.3146509Krishtalka, L. (2012). Science should be part of presidential debate [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L., & Robbins, R. (2012). Biological dark matter and Quantum Biology [Conference Proceedings]. In Gordon Research Conference.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Proposed Legislation uses religion to cancel out science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Life is Code [Other]. In Cryptograph:  An Exhibition for Alan Turing. Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas.Krishtalka, L. (2012). Cryptograph:  An Exhibition for Alan Turing [Other]. w/Spencer Museum of Art, KU. http://www.spencerart.ku.edu/exhibitions/39-trails.shtmlKrishtalka, L. (2012). Knowledge punched by pundits in 2011 [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2011). Sciene takes a beating in early presidential campaign [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World.Krishtalka, L. (2010). Science, not promiscuity, explains quakes [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 8A).King, N., Krishtalka, L., & Chivan, V. (2010). Thoughts on implementation of the recommendeds of the GBIF task force on a global strategy and action plan for mobilization of natural history collections data [Journal Articles]. Biodiversity Informatics, 7, 72–76.Rogers, F., & Krishtalka, L. (2010). Trans-Boundary Conservation Areas, Biodiversity Conservation and Peace Parks [Conference Proceedings]. In 9th Annual GBIF Science Symposium 2010.Krishtalka, L. (2009). Faith, Science, still Sparring [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 8A).Krishtalka, L. (2009). Among Trees [Other]. In Trees and Other Ramifications: Branches in Nature and Culture (pp. 16–17). Blurb Publications.Krishtalka, L. (2009). Letter to Linnaeus [Book Chapters]. In S. Knapp & Q. Wheeler (Eds.), Letters to Linnaeus (pp. 31–34). Linnaean Society of London.Krishtalka, L. (2009). Natural History Museums as Sentinel Observatories of Life on Earth: A Public Trust [Book Chapters]. In Beyond the Turnstile: Making the Case for Museums and Sustainable Values. Altamira Press.Lane, R., & L Krishtalka. (2008). Taxonomy in Europe in the 21st century (pp. 1–7) [Reports].Krishtalka, L. (2007). Six Wonders are enough [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2007). No good environment news [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2006). Faith persists in face of reason [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2006). Names defy global change [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Banks, W., & Krishtalka, L. (2006). Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling: New Tools for Reconstructing the Geography and Ecology of Past Human Populations [Journal Articles]. PaleoAnthropology, 68–83.Krishtalka, L. (2005). Bridging the gulf of faith, reason [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). KU’s Comanche a symbol of historic shift [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 6B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Set personal beliefs aside [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Books blamed for human evils [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 6B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Rural Kansas losing its grip [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Expand the “culture of life” [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Evolution and conservatism [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Tsunami’s how and why [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Assembling the Tree of Life: Today and in the Future [Abstracts]. Critical Connections of Museums and Herbaria. Published.Krishtalka, L. (2005). Let’s get real in 2005 [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2005). Management and Leadership of Multi-Institutional and Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations [Abstracts]. Published.Krishtalka, L. (2004). Textbook sticker shock [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Is Intelligent Design intelligent? [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Environmental family values [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Debating “natural law” [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2004). Alternatives to science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Causey, D., Janzen, D., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Krishtalka, L., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2004). Museum Collections and Taxonomy [Journal Articles]. Science, 305, 1106–1107.Allen, M. F., & Krishtalka, L. (2004). Report on AIBS/IBRCS Workshop on Biodiversity, Species Composition and Ecosystem Functioning [Reports]. National Science Foundation.Krishtalka, L. (2003). Hair didn’t aid museum director’s appeal to Legislature [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Year’s end inspires reflection, predictions [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). KU message must be simple, personal, local [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Preaching to the top species [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Prejudices color science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). At Natural History Museums, The Ox is Gored [Journal Articles]. Museum News, 37, 64–65.Krishtalka, L. (2003). Discoveries remain on our own planet [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Five Big Ideas for Kansas [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Museum loss not yet clear [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2003). Holding Knowledge Hostage Stifles our Progress [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Kansas City Star (p. B7).Krishtalka, L. (2003). It’s Respect for Knowledge [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Cloning Spawns Silliness [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Unofficial museums abound [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Connect environmental dots [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). State faces education issues [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2002). The economics of nature [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., & Harris, F. (2002). Long Term Ecological Research Program: Twenty-Year Review (p. 39) [Reports]. NSF.Krishtalka, L. (2002). Chapter 30, Information technology and the ten grand research challenges for the 21st Century [Book Chapters]. In A. H. Teich, S. D. Nelson, & S. Lita (Eds.), AAAS Science and Technology Policy Yearbook 2002 (pp. 319–338). American Association for the Advancement of Science. http://www.aaas.org/spp/yearbook/2002/ch30.pdfKrishtalka, L. (2002). Cloning: Getting what we asked for [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In The Sun Newspapers (p. 6A).Krishtalka, L. (2002). Resolutions with a touch of fantasy [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2002). The Green Internet: A Tool for Conservation Science [Book Chapters]. In J. Levitt (Ed.), Conservation in the Internet Age: Strategic Threats and Opportunities (pp. 143–164). Island Press.Krishtalka, L. (2001). Science not villain in debate [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., Vieglais, D., Peterson, T., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2001). A Research Network for Biodiversity Science [Abstracts]. AAAS, 2001 Annual Meetings, A 52.Krishtalka, L. (2001). Answering the Aliens: Museum Biodiversity Education [Journal Articles]. Curator, 43(2), 103–110.Krishtalka, L. (2001). Don’t let creationists corrupt science standards [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (p. B-1, 4).Donoghue, M., Gilbert, S., Irish, V., Kaufmann, T., Kocker, T., Krishtalka, L., Lane, M., Levine, M., McGinnis, W., Puruggana, M., Sinha, N., & Wray, G. (2001). Evolution of development and Tree of Life [Reports]. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2001/bio012/Krishtalka, L. (2000). Let’s learn more about life [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2000). Three Cheers, three boos for science education [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 9B).Krishtalka, L., & Humphrey, P. S. (2000). Can natural history museums capture the future? [Journal Articles]. BioScience, 50(7), 611–617.Krishtalka, L. (2000). Let’s Quit Bashing Knowledge [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (2000). Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information [Book Chapters]. In Access to Publicly Funded Research (pp. 188–194).Krishtalka, L. (2000). Predicting the Brave New World [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 9B).Krishtalka, L., Levitt, J., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Wiley, E., & Beach, J. (2000). The impact of the Internet on Biodiversity: Good or Evil [Abstracts]. 17th International CODATA Conference, 82.Krishtalka, L. (1999). Yokel’s approach to science [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1999). Evolution theory explains fact [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1999). Mixing science and politics [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1999). Evolution theory explains fact [Journal Articles]. Kansas Biology Teacher, 8(1), 5–6.Krishtalka, L. (1998). Earth not an endless Eden [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1998). Undiscovered life on Earth [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1998). So much hot air: Global warming rhetoric obscures the facts [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L., & Humphrey, P. S. (1998). Fiddling while the Planet Burns: The Challenge for U.S. Natural History Museums [Journal Articles]. Museum News, 77(2), 29–35.Vieglais, D. A., Stockwell, D. R. B., Cundari, C. M., Beach, J., Peterson, A. T., & Krishtalka, L. (1998). The species analyst: Tools enabling a comprehensive distributed biodiversity network [Conference Proceedings]. In Biotechnology & Biobusiness, </i>2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology, 23-27 November, Perth, Western Australia.Krishtalka, L. (1997). Should science be sold to the highest bidder? [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 11B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Turkey in a pear tree [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Cloning: From Eve to Dolly [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 7B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Choosing myth over fact [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Believers die for hokum [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1997). Investigating evolution [Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)]. In Lawrence-Journal World (p. 5B).Krishtalka, L. (1996). In Love with Every Ort [Book Reviews In Love with Every Ort]. Carnegie Magazine, 63(4), 12, 15.Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R., & Redline, A. (1990). Geology, vertebrate fauna, and paleoecology of the Buck Spring Quarries (early Eocene, Wind River Formation), Wyoming [Book Chapters]. In T. M. Bown & K. D. Rose (Eds.), Dawn of the Age of Mammals in the Northern Part of the Rocky Mountain Interior, North America (pp. 169–186).Krishtalka, L. (1989). Dinosaur Plots & Other Intrigues in Natural History [Books]. William Morrow & Co.Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., & Dawson, M. R. (1989). Paleontology, geology and remote sensing of Paleogene rocks in the northeastern Wind River Basin, Wyoming, USA [Book Chapters]. In Mesozoic/Cenozoic Vertebrate Paleontology: Classic Localities, Contemporary Approaches (pp. 34–44). American Geophysical Union.Krishtalka, L., Li, C., Wilson, R. W., & Dawson, M. R. (1987). The origin of rodents and lagomorphs [Book Chapters]. In Current Mammalogy (Vol. 1, pp. 97–108). Plenum Press.Krishtalka, L., Dawson, M. R., Stucky, R., & Black, C. C. (1986). Machaeroides simpsoni, new species, oldest known  sabertooth creodont (Mammalia) of the Lost Cabin Eocene [Book Chapters]. In K. M. Flanagan & J. A. Lillegraven (Eds.), Vertebrates, Phylogeny and Philosophy: G. G. Simpson Memorial Volume (pp. 177–182).

Selected Presentations

Krishtalka, L. (1/20/2016). Forget Everything you ever Learned in Biology. Science on Tap. Lawrence, KSKrishtalka, L. (11/27/2015). Discovering the Life of the Planet: Biodiversity Challenges and Solutions. Webinar: Global Biodiversity Training Project, JRS Biodiversity FoundationKrishtalka, L. (9/1/2015 - 9/2/2015). Advancing the use of bio-collections in education, research and service. Biodiversity Collections Network. Field Museum, Chicago, IllinoisKrishtalka, L., & Robbins, R. (5/5/2015). Quantum Biology and Biological Dark Matter. Genomic Standards Consortium, Joint Genomic Institute. Walnut Creek, CAKrishtalka, L. (4/8/2015). Microbial Life as Biological Dark Matter. Schreiner UniversityKrishtalka, L. (4/7/2015). Tackling the Life of the Planet: Biodiversity Challenges. Schreiner University. Kerville, TXKrishtalka, L. (1/14/2015). The Global Biodiversity Information Facility: Tackling global challenges with biodiversity data. Canadian Museum of Nature. Ottawa, Canada


Cryptograph: An Exhibition for Alan Turing. Spencer Museum of Art, KU. 201239 Trails Research in the Peruvian Amazon. w/Spencer Museum of Art, KUBenedum Hall of Geology. Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems, Carnegie MuseumExplore Evolution Exhibit. (Consortium of 6 museums including KU NHM)Life Science Master Exhibit Plan. Carnegie MuseumLife Through Time. Exhibit Hall, Denver MuseumTrees & Other Ramifications. w/Spencer Museum of Art

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Advancing Research in Biodiversity Science. NSF ARI-R2 Repair and Renovation. $1512426.00. (1/1/2010 - 12/31/2013). Federal. Status: FundedGaps in Institutional Capacities in Relation to Biodiversity Priorities in Africa. JRS Foundation. $9900.00. (12/31/2012). Foundation. Status: Funded. substitute PI for J. SoberonEPSCoR RII Track 2ΓÇöA CyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting. NSF Collaborative Proposal. $6000000.00. (12/31/2009). Federal. Status: Funded. 3 yearsC-Change: Climate Change, Humans and Nature in the Global Environment. NSF: IGERT. $3200000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: Funded. 5 yearsForecasting the Spread of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases. US Centers for Disease Control. $1120000.00. (12/31/2008). Federal. Status: FundedExpansions of the collections of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center. NSF. $498821.00. (12/31/2007). Federal. Status: Funded. 1.5 years, with 4 co-PIsAn Ecoforecasting Center for the Great Plains. NSF. $6837783.00. (12/31/2006). Federal. Status: Funded. 3 years, with 5 co-PIsAcquisition of an ABI 3100 Sequencer. Kansas NSF EPSCoR. $105645.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. 6 monthsBiodiversity Informatics Research and Bioterrorism. US Department of Defense. $2000000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: FundedNEONΓÇöPlanning the National Ecological Observatory Network. NSF. $6000000.00. (12/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. PI with 6 co-PIsEcological Niche Modeling: A new approach to analyzing the hominid record. NSF. $34808.00. (12/31/2003). Federal. Status: Funded. one yearA Biodiversity Information Technology Facility. US Department of Education. $1275000.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: FundedBiodiversity Informatics. Occidental Petroleum Corporation. $250000.00. (12/31/2001). Private. Status: FundedKnowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF. $81819.00. (12/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded. SupplementInitiative for Minority Student Development. NIH Education Grant. $2000000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded. With co-investigators, 4 years.Interactive Learning Modules. Frueauff Foundation. $30000.00. (12/31/2000). Foundation. Status: FundedNational Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract for Earth Systems ScienceKnowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF. $200000.00. (12/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded. SupplementNational Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract for Earth Systems ScienceAn Experimental Information Retrieval Protocol Test Bed for Biological Collection and Taxonomic Data. NSF: Z39.50. $99430.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. 1 year, [1 of 7 co-PIs]Deploying a Community Software Application for Biocollections Information. NSF: OZ. $420000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. 1.5 yearsHigh-Performance Network Connection in Support of Meritorious Research at University of Kansas. NSF. $350000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. 2 Years, (co-PI with J. Niebaum and 3 others)Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF. $2000000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. Three years, [one of 5 co-PIs]National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI). NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. Subcontract for Earth Systems ScienceSupplement to 'Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information'. NSF. $15153.00. (12/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. to complete the report of the Working Group on Biological Informatics of the OECD Megascience ForumNational Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF. $60000.00. (12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded. 1 year, Earth Systems ScienceOZ: A National Biodiversity Informatics Capability. University of Kansas Research Development Fund. $29500.00. (12/31/1997). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded. 1 yearRecovery, Preparation and Exhibit of the Wyoming Dinosaur Discovery. State of Kansas, Tourism Attraction Program. $55000.00. (12/31/1997). State of Kansas. Status: Funded. 1.5 yearsSupplement to 'Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information'. NSF. $13633.00. (12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded. to plan the knowledge networking of biodiversity informationAcquisition of Computer Systems for Creating Analytical Interfaces to Diverse Environmental Data. Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation. $150000.00. (12/31/1996). State of Kansas. Status: Funded. 1 yearAcquisition of Computer Systems for Creating Analytical Interfaces to Diverse Environmental Data. NSF/ARI. $362003.00. (12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. 3 yearsCollaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information. NSF. $70000.00. (12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. 1 yearFirst Annual PEET Workshop on Information Acquisition and Dissemination. NSF. $57224.00. (12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. supplement to KU/J. Ashe PEET awardCooperative Agreement for Military Lands in the Kansas City District. NWK-14-0001. US Army Core of Engineers. Submitted 1/15/2014 (1/15/2015). Federal. Status: Funded