Dr. Marina B Suarez

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Ritchie Hall, Room 154D
1414 Naismith Dr
Lawrence, KS 66045
1414 Naismith Dr
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
I first joined the G-hawk community as a PhD student in 2005. After a post-doctoral fellowship and faculty position in my hometown of San Antonio, Texas, I am pleased to have returned to KU Geology in 2019. My research focuses on using the sedimentary rock record and geochemical proxies (especially stable isotopes) to understand past climates, especially in the Cretaceous Period. I am also interested in broadening participation in the geosciences and am the geology club faculty sponsor and the KU SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) chapter faculty sponsor. I currently teach the Stable Isotope Geochemistry class, Paleoclimatology, Life through Time, and Paleontology.
Education —
Geosciences, Trinity Univesity, 2003, San Antonio, Texas
Geology, Temple University, 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Geology, The University of Kansas, 2009, Lawrence, Kansas