Phetheet, J., Hill, M., Barron, R., Gray, B., Wu, H., Amanor-Boadu, V., Heger, W., Kisekka, I., Golden, B., Rossi, M. (2021). Relating agriculture, energy, and water decisions to farm incomes and climate projections using two freeware programs, FEWCalc and DSSAT. Agricultural Systems - Volume 193.
Porter, M., Hill, M., Harris, T., Brookfield, A., Li, X. (2021). The DiscoverFramework freeware toolkit for multivariate spatio-temporal environmental data visualization and evaluation. Environmental Modelling and Software - Volume 143.
Tonkin, M., Hill, M., Maxwell, R., Zheng, C. (2020). Groundwater Modeling and Beyond: MODFLOW‐and‐More ‐2019 Special Issue. Ground Water - Issue 3 | Volume 58.
Barron, R., Hill, M. (2019). A wedge or a weight? Critically examining nuclear power’s viability as a low carbon energy source from an intergenerational perspective. Energy Research & Social Science - Volume 50.
Phetheet, J., Heger, W., Hill, M. (2019). Evaluating Use of Water and Renewable Energy in Agricultural Areas: A Coupled Simulation of DSSAT and Agent-Based Modeling. AGU Fall Meeting 2019.
Plale, B., Ravela, S., Smyth, P., Pope, A., Shekhar, S., Zhang, J., Samet, H., Ridley, A., Restrepo, J., Tikoff, B., Peters, S., Skinner, K., Gil, Y., Pierce, S., Babaie, H., Banerjee, A., Borne, K., Bust, G., Cheatham, M., Ebert-Uphoff, I., Gomes, C., Hill, M., Horel, J., Hsu, L., Kinter, J., Knoblock, C., Krum, D., Kumar, V., Lermusiaux, P., Liu, Y., North, C., Pankratius, V. (2018). Intelligent systems for geosciences: an essential research agenda. Communications of the ACM - Issue 1 | Volume 62.
Brookfield, A., Hill, M., Rodell, M., Loomis, B., Stotler, R., Porter, M., Bohling, G. (2018). In Situ and GRACE‐Based Groundwater Observations: Similarities, Discrepancies, and Evaluation in the High Plains Aquifer in Kansas. Water Resources Research - Issue 10 | Volume 54.
Pierce, S., Fuka, D., Hill, M., Ebert-Uphoff, I., Khider, D., Gil, Y. (2018). AI in geosciences: progress, challenges, and opportunities. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Borgonovo, E., Lu, X., Plischke, E., Rakovec, O., Hill, M. (2017). Making the most out of a hydrological model data set: Sensitivity analyses to open the model black‐box. Water Resources Research - Issue 9 | Volume 53.
Hill, M. (2017). Making the most out of a hydrological model data set: Sensitivity analyses to open the model black-box. Water Resources Research.
Borgonovo, E., Lu, X., Plischke, E., Rakovec, O., Hill, M. (2017). Making the most out of a hydrological model data set: Sensitivity analyses to open the model black-box. Water Resources Research.
La Vigna, F., Hill, M., Rossetto, R., Mazza, R. (2016). Parameterization, sensitivity analysis, and inversion: an investigation using groundwater modeling of the surface-mined Tivoli-Guidonia basin (Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy). Hydrogeology Journal - Issue 6 | Volume 24.
Hill, M., Kavetski, D., Clark, M., Ye, M., Arabi, M., Lu, D., Foglia, L., Mehl, S. (2016). Practical Use of Computationally Frugal Model Analysis Methods. Ground Water - Issue 2 | Volume 54.
Hill, M. (2016). Practical use of computationally frugal model analysis methods. Groundwater.
Lavigna, F., Hill, M., Rossetto, R. (2016). Groundwater modelling of the surface-mined Tivoli-Guidonia basin (Rome) and lessons for model development design.
Hill, M., Kavetski, D., Clark, M., Ye, M., Arabi, M., Lu, D., Foglia, L., Mehl, S. (2016). Practical use of computationally frugal model analysis methods. Groundwater.
Sheets, R., Hill, M., Haitjema, H., Provost, A., Masterson, J. (2015). Simulation of Water‐Table Aquifers Using Specified Saturated Thickness. Ground Water - Issue 1 | Volume 53.
Lu, D., Ye, M., Hill, M., Poeter, E., Curtis, G. (2014). A computer program for uncertainty analysis integrating regression and Bayesian methods. Environmental Modelling and Software - Volume 60.
Rakovec, O., Hill, M., Clark, M., Weerts, A., Teuling, A., Uijlenhoet, R. (2014). Distributed Evaluation of Local Sensitivity Analysis (DELSA), with application to hydrologic models: Distributed evaluation of local sensitivity analysis. Water Resources Research - Issue 1 | Volume 50.
Hill, M. (2014). Simulation of water-table aquifers using specified saturated thickness. Ground Water - Issue 1 | Volume 53.
Hill, M. (2014). A computer program for uncertainty analysis integrating regression and Bayesian methods. Environmental Modelling & Software - Volume 60.
Lu, D., Ye, M., Hill, M., Poeter, E., Curtis, G. (2014). A computer program for uncertainty analysis integrating regression and Bayesian methods. Environmental Modelling & Software - Volume 60.
Sheets, R., Hill, M., Haitjema, H., Provost, A., Masterson, J. (2014). Simulation of water-table aquifers using specified saturated thickness. Ground Water - Issue 1 | Volume 53.
Borsi, I., Rossetto, R., Schifani, C., Hill, M. (2013). Modeling unsaturated zone flow and runoff processes by integrating MODFLOW-LGR and VSF, and creating the new CFL package. Journal of Hydrology - Volume 488.
Laniak, G., Olchin, G., Goodall, J., Voinov, A., Hill, M., Glynn, P., Whelan, G., Geller, G., Quinn, N., Blind, M., Peckham, S., Reaney, S., Gaber, N., Kennedy, R., Hughes, A. (2013). Integrated environmental modeling: A vision and roadmap for the future. Environmental Modelling and Software - Volume 39.
Hill, M., Faunt, C., Belcher, W., Sweetkind, D., Tiedeman, C., Kavetski, D. (2013). Knowledge, transparency, and refutability in groundwater models, an example from the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A-B-C - Volume 64.
Foglia, L., Mehl, S., Hill, M., Burlando, P. (2013). Evaluating model structure adequacy: The case of the Maggia Valley groundwater system, southern Switzerland. Water Resources Research - Issue 1 | Volume 49.
Hill, M. (2013). Integrated environmental modeling: A vision and roadmap for the future. Environmental Modelling and Software - Volume 39.
Laniak, G., Olchin, G., Goodall, J., Voinov, A., Hill, M., Glynn, P., Whelan, G., Hughes, A. (2013). Integrated environmental modeling: A vision and roadmap for the future. Environmental Modelling and Software - Volume 39.
Foglia, L., Hill, M., Mehl, S., Burlando, P. (2009). Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and testing of a distributed hydrological model using error‐based weighting and one objective function. Water Resources Research - Issue 6 | Volume 45.
Banta, E., Hill, M., Poeter, E., Doherty, J., Babendreier, J. (2008). Building model analysis applications with the Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability (JUPITER) API. Computers and Geosciences - Issue 4 | Volume 34.