Saiful Islam Apu

Saiful Apu
  • PhD Aspirant

Contact Info

170, Slawson Hall, 1420 Naismith Dr, Lawrence, KS 66045


Saiful has a very diversified background and encompasses a wide range of geological and geophysical disciplines. He enjoys participating in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. His previous experiences in diverse contexts enabled him to enhance his leadership, communication, and teamwork abilities.



B.S. in Geology, University of Dhaka, 2020, Bangladesh
M.S. in Geophysics, University of Dhaka, 2022, Bangladesh


Saiful's research interests span computing, reconnaissance fieldwork, and data processing and interpretation at various scales. He employs a combination of geophysical, geodetic, and remote sensing techniques complemented by spatial and spatiotemporal analyses. Currently, Saiful is learning and performing projects related to computational geophysics and geodesy. His research endeavors involve investigating the intricate dynamics of slow slip events in subduction zones using strain and geodetic data.



GEOL 103: Geology Fundamentals Laboratory LAB
GEOL 171: Earthquakes and Natural Disasters LEC
GEOL 172: Earthquakes and Natural Disasters Laboratory LAB

Selected Publications

1) Apu, S.I., Sharmili N., Gazi M.Y., Mia M.B., Sifa S.F. (2024). Remote sensing and GIS‑based landslide susceptibility mapping in a hilly district of Bangladesh: A comparison of different geospatial models. JJournal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 1‑18.

2) Sharmili, N., Sharmili, N., Apu, S. I., Gazi, M. Y., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., & Lupin, J. H. (2023). High-resolution lithostratigraphy and reconnaissance sedimentology of Changotaung structure, Chittagong Tripura fold belt, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 1.

3) Gazi, Md. Y., Apu, S. I., Sharmili, N., & Rahman, Md. Z. (2021). Origin and characterization of clay deposits in the Dupi Tila Formation of the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Solid Earth Sciences, 6(3), 313–327.

Selected Conferences / Extended Abstracts:
1) Apu, S. I., & Jackson, N. M. (2024). Enhancing Martian Seismology: Prospects for Strainmeter Applications in Decoding Marsquakes. LPI Contributions, 3060, 6041.

2) Apu S.I., Jackson N.M., Zumberge M., & Hatfield W., (2023). In pursuit of discovering slow slip event (SSE) and other tectonic signals using seafloor fiber optic strainmeters in Cascadia Subduction Zone. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2023, pp. G02‑04).

3) Apu S.I., Jackson N.M., (2023). Slow Earthquake: Detecting SSE Signals from the Offshore Strainmeter in Cascadia Subduction Zone: Cargèse 2023 School on Subduction Zone Processes, Institut des Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC), Cargèse, Corsica, France.

4) Apu, S. I., Akhter, S. H., Bhuiyan, A. H., & Mondal, D. R. (2022). Moho depth variations beneath the forearc region of the Indo-Burma Fold Belt. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. S55C-0117).

5) Apu S.I., Akhter S.H., Bhuiyan A.H., Mondal D.R. (2022). Crustal Structure and Moho Topographic Variation of Bangladesh using the Joint CCP (Common Conversion Point) Stacking And H-Κ analysis: An Approach From Receiver Function Technique: GSA Connects 2022, Denver, CO, USA.


-Student Representative Officer (2024-present), GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division
-Vice-President (2023-present): KU SEG Chapter
-Co-Founder (2017-2020): Science Squad
-President (2020), Secretary (2019), Publication Secretary (2018): University of Dhaka Geophysical Society (UDGS)-A student Chapter of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
-Campus Ambassador (2018): Youth Opportunities
-IT Secretary (2018), Executive (2017): Dhaka University Science Society (DUSS)