Glaciology and Remote Sensing Laboratory

The Glaciology and Remote Sensing Group has field equipment and a computer lab for collecting, processing, and analyzing large observational and remote sensing datasets. All equipment is managed and maintained by Dr Stearns. The computer lab consists of Dell and MacOSX workstations, with high-resolution monitors, and four 8-TB disk arrays. The remote sensing lab has a full range of open source software, as well as licenses for image processing (Arc; ENVI; Erdas IMAGINE; Silcast), GPS data processing, and algorithm development (Matlab; Fortran) for computer modeling.
Dr Stearns's lab is well-equipped to conduct fieldwork in remote locations. An extensive collection of field equipment includes eight Trimble dual-frequency GPS receivers, optical surveying equipment, various drills for augering and coring, a Sutron automatic weather station, time-lapse cameras and tide gauges. Safety equipment for deep field deployments (tents, ropes, harnesses, etc.) is also available.